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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What's new,interesting or useful in digital marketing

I've been fortunate to have experienced both the old school marketing practices and new digital channels. Increasingly my time is spent in the latter area - finding new communication technologies, understanding their marketing applications and finding ways to integrate them.

Because of my eclectic interests, I tend to take a more broader perspective on the use and value of digital media beyond simply building a web presence. Digital technologies offer even more capabilities to enhance the customer experience, simplify communication or improve the performance of marketing efforts.

As I encounter new applications, better ways of using communication technologies, case studies or research, I will be post this on the Calgary Ad Club site. If there are specific questions or topics, I will attempt to comment or provide more information. And if you have examples of actual application, successful case studies or wish to share your failures, I think we can all learn from these.

If you want to know more about my background, check out my LinkedIn profile.

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